Monday, July 13, 2009

Blast to the Past - 50's Rock & Roll Crop

This weekend was a blast....literally to the past. I went to a 50's crop where it looked more like American Graffiti than 2009! It was soooo much fun. I found a pattern on the web of a poodle. I printed it out on my computer and then glued (I used spray glue) it to the black felt. I then cut it out, added a pin on the back and my bling (of course!) and that was my poodle for my shirt. Then I found the Rock & Roll record picture, printed them out and I glued them to some old earrings I had. They were perfect! I wore a pink shirt and black pants with a black scarf tied around my neck. When we arrived at the crop, there were 45 records hanging from the ceiling above our tables with our pictures and names on them along with our name tags (made to look like a 45 record). When all the ladies got there, there was a "kennel" of poodles, pink and black, pony tails and scarves and everything in between!

I won the first prize and had to "dance" for it. So I did the swim. We had a wonderful lunch and dinner that was included and the end of the evening was Root Beer Floats for all. I was "poodled out" by midnight but had a "Happy Day"!

If you ever have the chance to go to a 50's Crop, I can tell you it will be so much fun! Or better yet... throw your own! When you are cropping... "Happy Days" are truly here again! Crop on....

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