Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby Girl Album Gift - Size (6x6)

When I was asked to do a card for a friend to give a family friend that just had a baby girl... I thought it needed more than just a card. So I went to work doing a small 6x6 album. It turned out so cute! I did not do the typical baby girl PINK album.
I used some brighter colors from my DCWV paper stacks.
I did all the wording on the computer using the Cheri font. It had that "girlie" flair. Here are the pics of that album. You can find the Cheri font at and can download it for free. This site has awesome fonts for anything you need.

I took the metal posts out of the album and opted to use pretty ribbon instead. The book was too thick when I got it done so the ribbon gave it more flexibility to adjust the height that I couldn't get from the metal posts.

The only thing I wish I had done, was found a cute little box to put it in for presentation. You know those cute boxes you can find at Michael's. I thought of that after I gave it to my friend.
After I took these pics and sat and looked at it for awhile, I did add more ribbons to the tops of the pages so it looks a little more "ribbony". The back of the album has a pocket and a card as they were giving this with a gift card from a store. There are pages for all the pertinent information you have for a newborn baby as in Date, Time, Weight and Length. I did two two-page layouts for both sets of grandparents

and I left lots of mats and room for journalling and adding their own pics and special momentos from this special time.

I always think outside the box and don't always do the traditional patterns as would be expected. The thing I find about my love of scrapbooking as you can really go in a different direction in your creativity and produce something that is a one-of-a-kind creation.
You can try to duplicate this, but it will always have your own flair and style added to it. That is the best part of sharing the love of scrapbooking with others. If you are just getting started, start off with a small album. They are so much fun to do and can be less intimidating than a 12x12 album or layout pages.

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